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     Two camps are forming: a heavenly camp and an earthly camp. God help whoever opposes the heavenly camp. God bless all those on earth who are sick, tired, and beckoning rescue from an oppressive god of the earth. Solomon descends with his wives to divide-up the land and make it abundant. “With me from Lebanon, my bride, with me from Lebanon may you come. Descend from the top of Amana, from the top of Senir, the summit of Hermon, from the lairs of lions, from the mountains of leopards.” –So 4:8
     The Heavenly Bride Class rule as Priests and Kings. Only an anointed priest can enter the heavenly Temple’s inner chambers, by going through a 7-day anointing process. “And ye shall not go out from the door of the tent of meeting seven days, until the days of your consecration be fulfilled: For he shall consecrate you seven days.” –Le 8:33  To reach the Jerusalem Above will require the earth-bound Shunemite to shed her flesh, only then she can go through a 7-day anointing process.
     This is a visual reminder for those who have given up, are struggling with, or just beginning the journey of love. This gift book is a small package of wisdom from our Bible’s matriarchs who knew how to make love work. There is no higher earthly ideal than marital love. Holy text enthusiastically advocates happy, thriving marriages, full of life and fun. This is a must buy.

* Makes a great wedding/bridal shower/anniversary gift. Suitable for framing.
* Makes a great classroom poster. Suitable for framing.
* Makes a great poster for a teen’s room. Suitable for framing.
* Designed to make the English reader curious about the original Hebrew (in smaller type). Song of Songs is a comparison of two cultural views on marriage.
* In addition to addressing and solving love problems, Song of Songs reveals the mistakes of the Shunemite, rarely seen in other books.
* Restores your appreciation for love . . . the one you forgot . . . all those years back.

Education Poster / Church Poster / Homeschool Poster
Image Size: 36” x 24”
Paper: plain matte finish
UPC: 0746092400839
Price: $36.99 + taxes & shipping


SKU: 63EA3CF332EDE_2
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