SUNDAY NEWS: a lesson in religious journalism
lesson plan in introduction
SUNDAY NEWS is a provocative course in journalism. These highly debatable stories will sharpen the mind of tomorrow’s most clever journalists. This journalism course is not about punctuation, not about vocabulary, but focuses on critical thinking and concentrates on proper citation.
“Show me your proof!” is what professors will demand from college students. Listening will prepare a young student’s mind for scientific method through the discipline of journalism.
We live in a time when science isn’t very scientific, journalism isn’t very inquisitive, and religion isn’t very religious. Living on a foundation of solid points of authority will make you courageous. Knowing how to document your theories is a key to independent thought. Courage is a by-product of solid research.
A clever person can memorize an answer, but knowing why gives you something better . . . insight. These 36 presentations are designed to be provocative, inspiring interest in math, science, history, and logic.
Designed for Christian parents looking for curriculum to develop leadership skills for Christian highschool students.
Religion / Journalism / HomeschoolSUNDAY NEWS: a lesson in religious journalism
6” x 9” x .40”
approx. 36,000 words, at .60 lbs.
ISBN: 979-8-9876254-5-3LCCN: pending
$19.95 paperback + Shipping and Handling (according to region)
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SKU: 979-8-9876254-5-3
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