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LETTERS: the meaning behind the Hebrew alphabet (paperback)


LETTERS: the meaning behind the Hebrew alphabet (e-book)

Item #4 of the Jonah Project (a 7-item kit)


     LETTERS provides a deeper look into a very unique alphabet. Not only does every Hebrew word have its own definition, but every Hebrew letter has its own story. There are 22 Hebrew letters with unique personalities ready to teach us how to elevate our life.

     Selected for the Jonah Project, which is a single-minded curriculum to teach you how to read the book of Jonah in the original Hebrew. Teachers and youth pastors can start this program with no prior knowledge of Hebrew.

     Hebrew is the simplest of all languages, yet the most informative. “We are in the position of a little child entering a huge library filled with books in many different languages. The child knows someone must have written those books. The child, however, does not know how. The child may suspect a mysterious order in the arrangement, but doesn’t know what or how. That, it seems to me, describes the most intelligent human toward God.” –Albert Einstein

     A complete 4-page curriculum (or schedule) for the Jonah Project Kit is enclosed in every box. Simple instructions, discussing how to use each item, in what order, on what day, and for how long. REQUIRES NO PRIOR KNOWLEDGE OF THE HEBREW LANGUAGE.



* All Hebrew words used in this book are taken from the book of Jonah.

* Designed to work with the Jonah Project Kit: 7 items. 1) One Bookmark with Hebrew alphabet. 2) Over 35 Hebrew Alphabet Flash Cards. 3) One Book / SEMETIC TALES: bed-time stories for Christians. 4) One Book / LETTERS: the meaning behind the Hebrew alphabet. 5) Over 100 Hebrew Word Flash Cards from the book of Jonah. 6) One Book / JONAH: a commentary. 7) One USB audio / Reading of the book of Jonah in the original Hebrew.

* All books are designed to be used in two ways: 1) Read and enjoyed by the student—without a teacher. 2) Taught from by an instructor, who can use sections as a daily classroom lesson (because, ultimately, a student needs a teacher).

* Designed for Christian parents looking for curriculum to develop leadership skills for Christian highschool students.


Christian Studies / Homeschool / Foreign Language

LETTERS: the meaning behind the Hebrew alphabet

Item #4 of the Jonah Project kit (a 7-item kit)

Specifications: 6” x 9” x 1” at .75 lbs.

$39.95 paperback + Shipping and Handling (according to region)

ISBN: 979-8-9876254-2-2

LCCN: pending



LETTERS: the meaning behind the Hebrew alphabet (paperback)

SKU: 979-8-9876254-2-2
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